Monday, February 25, 2013

PLE post # 6 Chapter 7

(7.1) You have been assigned to interpret for a student in a constructivist classroom. What strategies would you use to make sure that you accurately interpret all spoken messages and convey the students’ questions or replies to the teacher and to other students?

In a constuctivist classroom there is a lot of hands-on learning, so as to allow the students to construct their own knowledge. Often times hands-on learning lends itself to discussion, which can be tricky for an interpreter to successfully and accurately interpret. It is important if group discussion is going to happen that only one person talks at once. This can be achieved easier if their is one person in charge of facilitating the discussion. Another thing to consider with discussions is that there is lag time between what is said and what is interpreted. Because of this it is helpful to allow for extra time for the comment or question to be interpreted, and then time for the deaf student to formulate their answer. This website contains more useful information about working with interpreters, and specifically working with interpreters during group discussion.


  1. You have some great points that we as teachers should be aware of when we have deaf students. It will be important to keep in mind that we should not allow students to talk over one another and interrupt. And we need to give enough time for the discussion to be translated.

  2. Good point about the lag time. That's something we really need to consider in education.

  3. I can see how discussion can be difficult to interpret, and those are great things to point out!
