Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chapter 14 EI Topic

I chose to use the Educational Interpreting case study. It is about the misbehavior of a deaf elementary student named Luke. There are many theories that could explain his misbehavior. It may be that Luke does not want a female interpreter. There are many more female interpreters in the field of interpreting than male interpreters. Particularly with younger boys, I can see how it may be embarrassing to have a female interpret for you. Luke may also feel isolated from the class. Sometimes when children feel isolated they may begin to also isolate themselves. Depending on his age, he may not yet have learned how to effectively communicate his thoughts and feelings, and therefore, acting out in this inappropriate way. It is important that an interpreter use the mode of language that is most effective and beneficial for the student’s comprehension and learning. This link is a good overview of an interpreters role in the classroom according to IDEA. It contains some information about the role of an educational interpreter that I had not previously seen before. I did not realize that providing communication according to the student's language abilities fell under this law.   


  1. I like how you discussed gender, I had never thought of that before! Good job!

  2. You have some great points. I like that you brought up his age. Any child that has not fully learned the appropriate way to express and communicate his thoughts and feeling is likely to act out because he doesn't know how he is supposed to act in an unfamiliar situation.

  3. Such a great point about gender! We often forget that some children don't want teachers of the opposite gender. Thanks for sharing that resource as well.
