Thursday, April 25, 2013

Barb Retenbach reflection

a. How did this presentation change your view of those with Autism?
     I found it interesting to see someone with autism who has overcome expressive barriers, and is able to communicate her thoughts. This presentation really helped me to understand that when working with people with autism the best way to communicate with them is through something they like, such as cooking. I also noticed how Barb saw herself as something different and special, and had a very positive view of herself. 

b. How will you consider autistic children in your classroom in light of this presentation?
     You can never discount an autistic child as having nothing valuable to give to the classroom. It is vital that a way is found to help children with autism express themselves.

c. How does the information you’ve learned affect your future teaching practice?
     One idea that was brought up during the presentation that I think any teacher can use is that you should build students' strengths. It is important that a student know how best their students learn so that the teacher can help them be successful in the classroom.

d. Was this information new, and how do you feel about it?
    I did learn some new information during this presentation. It was very hopeful, in that there are ways to help children communicate what is going on in their heads. 

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