Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chapter 13 PLE

(13.1) List five areas you will attend to as you work with educational staff to create a learning environment that is conducive to interpreting.

1. Where the interpreter is located:

This is vital for a deaf student to be successful in a classroom. If they cannot see the interpreter and whatever aids the teacher is using to teach then it will be difficult for this student to learn. The interpreter also does not want to be in front of the student the entire day. This can be very tiring for the student. As an interpreter I will be ready jump in when interpreting is needed, but when I am not needed it is good to give the student a break.

2. Where the student is locate:

Deaf students are like everyone else. They have their preferences of where they sit. While they will often sit up front, so as to see better, some may not wish to do this in various school settings. It is important for the student to feel comfortable in their learning environment.

3. Relationship with other students:

It is important that the deaf student does not feel isolated and feels like as much a part of the class as any other student. This will significantly aid in how well the student learns and how much they enjoy school.

4. Relationship with teacher:

It is vital that the teacher have a good relationship with their deaf student. This way if there are any problems with the student, such as disruptive behavior, the teacher will be able to understand the cause (is it cultural or simply the student acting up) and act accordingly.

5. Vocabulary terms:

A student may need extra clarification with terms they do not understand. If a student has a puzzled look on their face then it is necessary to go into further detail to explain the term. It is also nice to have a list of terms before the class begins. This way if there are not signs for the term the interpreter will know how to spell the term, and can better explain the term to the student.

This website contains great information for the role of an educational interpreter, and what they will and will not do in a classroom.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


     Motivation is crucial in order to for people get things done. I know, for me, that if I have low motivation towards something it will most likely remain unaccomplished (or will be done at the last possible moment). I tend to use the goal theory of motivation most. I make lists for everything... groceries, school, work, things I want to do, things I want to buy... everything. Most of my lists contain performance goals rather than learning goals. In thinking about it, though, I do have learning goals even though they are not written down. While goal theory seems, to me, to be the most influential in my motivation I see how the other theories we talked about in class also play into my motivation. After having to take many science classes I think I will do well in microbiology. This makes it easier to study for this class because I believe that I can do well in it. Based on this I can see how self efficacy theory also plays into my motivation for school. In a classroom I have seen how setting goals, and encouraging self efficacy can be very helpful for students. My sister is a pre-school teacher, and she sets goals for her students and encourages them as they try hard activities like writing. I see how in her classroom her students are motivated to write and read because of these uses of motivation theories.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

PLE post 1

     While this class if primarily for teachers I do believe there is much that I can learn. As I have seen teaching is not only restricted to a classroom. With interpreting you never exactly know what kind of assignment you will be given or what you will have to do. It is important to be able to understand how children think and act in various situations. I am excited to learn more about children's cognitive and linguistic development because how these things develop are crucial to how a child will understand their world. I also found this video Classroom Interpreting. It is really cheesy, but if you were wondering what exactly an ASL interpreter does in a classroom the information is pretty good.